Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lining Up My Ducks - Come on little guys...line up!

I'm writing this first entry at about 8:00 p.m. while munching on a cold slice of Dominoes Pizza. I know what you're thinking, but I can cook - and I even enjoy cooking. I'm afraid my current calling has been keeping me really busy and neglecting some things at home that I shouldn't be. So I hope this blog will help me get my ducks in a row, maybe improve our family's health, as well as give me and Meg a chance to have some fun. :) I hope you have fun with us too!


  1. So, once you get these ducks in a row... are you plotting a delicious duck recipe? Mmm savory. Yes line up duckies, recipes are good!

  2. We made a Turducken once. Maybe that could be one of the duck recipes. :)

  3. If I can ever get them lined up I will certainly consider it. :) But I am beginning to lose confidence - very skiddish things, those ducks.
